Helping Lawyers and Clients with Significant Legal Challenges Since 1982
Seminar Presentations
Jury Charges and Charge Conference, ICLE, 16th Annual General Practice and Trial Institute Seminar, March 17, 2017.
What you need to know before writing an appellate brief in Georgia, ICLE Nuts and Bolts of Civil Appellate Practice, February 16, 2017.
Jury Instructions, GTLA Trial Practice Manual Seminar, September 14, 2016.
ERISA Reimbursement after Montanile, MTLA Breakfast Meeting, February 25, 2016.
What you need to know before writing an appellate brief in Georgia, ICLE Nuts and Bolts of Civil Appellate Practice, October 28, 2015.
What you need to know before writing an appellate brief in Georgia, GTLA Appellate Writing Workshop, June 23, 2015.
Jury Charges and Charge Conference, ICLE, 14th Annual General Practice and Trial Institute Seminar, March 13, 2015.
Jury Instructions, GTLA Trial Practice Manual Seminar, September 25, 2013.
Jury Charges and Charge Conference, ICLE, 12th Annual General Practice and Trial Institute Seminar, March 16, 2013.
Procedural Pitfalls, GTLA, 2013 Essential Torts Workshop, February 15, 2013.
Jury Instructions, GTLA Trial Practice Manual Seminar, September 25, 2012.
ERISA and FEHBA, GTLA Auto Torts Seminar, July 26, 2012.
Building and Growing an Appellate Practice, ICLE, Georgia Appellate Practice, February 24, 2012.
Procedural Pitfalls, GTLA, 2012 Essential Torts Workshop, February 17, 2012.
Reforming Jury Instructions, GTLA Annual Convention, May 5, 2011.
Update on ERISA Reimbursement, GTLA, 2011 Essential Torts Workshop, February 25, 2011.
ERISA Reimbursement & Legal Ethics, Arizona Association for Justice, The Trial Lawyers' Annual Lien Seminar, January 28, 2011.
Professional and Ethical Dilemmas in Litigation, ICLE, September 24, 2010.
ERISA Liens: The Ultra Hazardous Hidden Peril, Cobb County Trial Lawyers
Association CLE, November 6, 2009.
A Lawyer's Ethical Obligations When the Client's Creditors Claim a Share
of the Tort Settlement Proceeds, GTLA Annual Seminar, April 16, 2009.
ERISA Subrogation Claims, ICLE General Practice and Trial Institute
Seminar, March 12, 2009.
ERISA for Plaintiff's Personal Injury Lawyers, GTLA Holiday Seminar,
December 12, 2008.
and Update, Senate Bill 3: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, ICLE Successful
Trial Practice, September 12, 2008.
SB3 Three Years Later: The Good, the
Bad and the Ugly, Atlanta Bar Assn., Litigation Section, February 8, 2008.
Recent Developments in Appellate Practice,
2007, November 3, 2007.
Jury Instructions, GTLA Trial Practice Manual Seminar, Atlanta, September
19, 2007.
Observations and Attacks on O.C.G.A.
§ 24-9-67.1, GTLA Annual Seminar, Atlanta, April 27, 2007.
Eminent Domain - Law and Update, ICLE 6th Annual General Practice &
Trial Section Institute, Amelia Island, March 16, 2007.
Update on SB3, GTLA Holiday Workshop,
Atlanta, December 8, 2006.
Don't Lien on Me, ICLE Plaintiff's
Personal Injury Seminar, Atlanta, October 28, 2006.
The Ins and Outs of the Appellate
Brief and What Happens After
the Appellate Decision - Seeking Review of an Adverse Ruling, National
Business Institute, Atlanta, October 19, 2006.
Where Do We Stand After Sereboff?, Cobb CountyTrial Lawyers Association,
September 13, 2006.
Where Do We Stand After Sereboff?, Middle Georgia Trial Lawyers
Association, September 6, 2006.
Writings on SB3, ICLE, Medical Malpractice
Institute, Amelia Island, November 4, 2005.
SB3: Effective Date, Constitutionality & Abolition of Joint Liability,
ICLE, Atlanta, June 2, 2005.
Offers of Judgment Under SB3, DeKalb County Bar Assn., May 19, 2005.
Constitutional Challenges to Tort Reform, GTLA Annual Meeting and Seminar,
Atlanta, May 6, 2005.
SB3 and Offers of Judgment, ICLE General Practice and Trial Section Annual
Meeting, April 14, 2005.
Status of Federal Tort Reform, Mercer Law Day Seminar, Atlanta, March
11, 2005.
Overview of SB3, Gambrell & Stolz, Atlanta, March 2, 2005.
Constitutional Challenges to Tort Reform, GTLA Tort Reform Seminar,
Atlanta, March 1, 2005.
Jury Instructions, GTLA Trial Practice Manual Seminar, Atlanta,
February 11, 2005.
ERISA Reimbursement and Legal
Ethics, GTLA Annual Holiday Seminar, Atlanta, December 10, 2004.
Effective Briefs,
ICLE General Practice and Trial Section Institute, St. Simon’s
Island, April 1-3, 2004.
Update on Federal Jurisdiction,
“Survey of Federal Practice” Seminar, Federal Bar Assn.,
Middle District of Georgia Chapter, Macon, October 3, 2003.
Effective Briefs, GTLA Seminar, Atlanta, August 1, 2003.
Recent Developments in Tort Law,
“Recent Developments in Georgia Law” Seminar, Mercer Law
School - Macon Bar, Macon, March 14, 2003.
Writing the Statement of Facts, Use of Legal Authorities,
Motions for Summary Judgment, and Motions for Reconsideration,
“Legal Writing for Plaintiff’s Lawyers” Seminar, GTLA,
Atlanta, November 7, 2002 (seminar chair).
Update on Federal Jurisdiction, “Survey of Federal
Practice” Seminar, Federal Bar Assn., Middle District of Georgia
Chapter, Macon, October 24, 2002.
Ethical Considerations in Settlement
Fund Disbursements and Third-Party Subrogation/Reimbursement Claims,
ICLE Insurance Law Seminar, St. Simon’s Island, September 26, 2002.
Seminar Paper, Venue Considerations and
Alternatives in Trucking Cases, GTLA Trucking Law Seminar, Atlanta,
November 30, 2001.
OCGA § 33-24-56.1 and Complete Compensation
in Georgia, GTLA “Don’t Lien on Me” Seminar,
Atlanta, October 12, 2001.
Jurisdictional Battlegrounds: Staying In or Out of Federal Court,
“To Be or Not To Be in Federal Court Seminar, Federal Bar Assn., Middle
District of Georgia Chapter, Macon, October 5, 2001 (seminar chair).
When are Amicus Curiae Briefs Appropriate
and Effective?, ICLE Appellate Strategies Seminar, Atlanta,
April 12, 2001.
Road and Access Law, National Business
Institute. Atlanta, September 7, 2000.
What Happens When There is not Enough to Go Around. The Status of the
Complete Compensation Rule, GTLA Seminars, Atlanta, June 9, 2000, May 6,
2000, and August 13, 1999.
Business Damages in Georgia, Meeting of the Condemnation Law
Committee of the Real Property Division of the American Bar Association,
Atlanta, August 9, 1999.
Senate Bill 20 and Other Efforts to Regulate “
Ambulance Chasing,” GTLA “New Laws” Seminar,
July 23, 1999.
Products Liability, Macon Bar - Mercer Law School Seminar,
May 29, 1984.
Monthly mini-seminar (about 5 minutes) on some legal development of interest
at Middle Georgia Trial Lawyer Meetings.