Viewing argument division styles in the Eleventh Circuit brief

Viewing argument division styles in the Eleventh Circuit brief

The easiest way to start is to put the cursor inside a style. Here, it is the fourth level of argument headings.

(It is probably not a good idea to have so many levels, but five are available in WordPerfect. More could be created with custom styles.)

Open the Style Edit dialog

Open the Style Edit dialog

Using the menu, click Format | Styles ...

(I prefer the keystroke Alt+F8 instead.)

The style list box

The style list box

You get the Style list box, which lists all active styles. If the cursor is within a style, that style is selected. Here it is "Level 4."

Click the Edit button to see its coding.

Styles Editor

Styles Editor

This shows the codes that make up the Level 4 style. The factory setting for Level 4 consists of three [Hd Left Ind] (indent) codes, the [Para Num] code, and another [Hd Left Ind] code.

I have modified those settings in this appellate brief by:
1. Replacing the last indent code with a space (for aesthetics);
2. Applying Table of Contents Level 4 to the number and text (so that this heading will appear in the Table of Contents);
3. Placing all of that in bold codes (so that bold codes are not generated in the Table of Contents);
4. Preceding all of that with the single space code (to alter the double-spacing of normal text for this heading); and
5. Adding a hard return at the end (to get the normal separation between the heading and text that follows it).

Similar changes were made in the other Level Styles.